Architectural Engineering Design Day is Dec 10 by Jon Gardzelewski

Architectural engineering students will present their design work Thursday, Dec. 10 from 1-3 p.m. in the Family Room of the Wyoming Union.

The following courses will be represented:
• ARE 1600 (Architectural Design I, prof. Jon Gardzelewski): Art and Music Resort, Arlington, Wyo.
• ARE 3600 (Architectural Design III, prof. Matt Newman): UW Student Housing, Laramie, Wyo.
• ARE 4600 (Architectural Design IV, prof. Jon Gardzelewski): Skyscraper for Southbank, London, England.

Open to all, the format is a poster-style presentation, so attendees can arrive at any time and see all of the projects.

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Energy Plus for Revit by Jon Gardzelewski

We've been waiting for years for this!  Energy Plus, the world's best energy simulation engine developed by the US Department of Energy, and Revit, the industry leading building information modeling (BIM) design tool are now fully integrated, running energy simulations directly from your Revit models "in the cloud." 

This latest addition to Autodesk's growing line of built-in simulation tools marks a major achievement.  At BERG, we use Energy Plus as one of our primary simulation tools, and we use Revit as our primary design tool.  The ease-of-use and workflow compatibility will be thoroughly tested over the coming months.

Stephanie Egger, a "Building Performance Analysis Evangelist" from Autodesk shows off the newest line of built-in simulation tools for Revit, the industry leading building information modeling (BIM) design tool.

Stephanie Egger, a "Building Performance Analysis Evangelist" from Autodesk shows off the newest line of built-in simulation tools for Revit, the industry leading building information modeling (BIM) design tool.

Energy Plus analysis in the cloud plugin for Revit.

Energy Plus analysis in the cloud plugin for Revit.

Unity Net-Zero Home at Greenbuild by Jon Gardzelewski

Perhaps our favorite exhibit at Greenbuild 2015 was the Net-Zero demonstration home by Unity Homes. They quoted me an incredibly affordable price to have this shipped and installed: a 3-bedroom unit ranges between $275K and $325K.  Net-Zero is moving the residential market!  


Gracious living space with ample passive solar gains.  Very clear "served" and "servant" zones simplifies the mechanical systems design. 

Gracious living space with ample passive solar gains.  Very clear "served" and "servant" zones simplifies the mechanical systems design. 

Super-insulated wall construction with continuous insulation thermal break.  All materials are Cradle-to-Cradle certified.

Super-insulated wall construction with continuous insulation thermal break.  All materials are Cradle-to-Cradle certified.