BERG at Greenbuild by Jon Gardzelewski

BERG will be in attendance the Greenbuild expo in Washington DC from November 18th - 20th.

We're very excited to see the Net Zero Pavilion is back, and we will be looking to make contact with industry leaders regarding our Net Zero home catalog.  Please connect with us at Greenbuild, we would love to make your acquaintance.  Email at 




The Cost of Net-Zero by Jon Gardzelewski

At public presentations and other talks, we're often asked: How much extra does it cost to build a Net-Zero house?  The only correct answer is: it depends, because every construction project is unique and every builder works differently.  BERG does not make guarantees about its home plans for this reason.  That being said, here's an honest attempt to answer the question.

If the subject is total first cost, we think the premium for a Zero-Energy house is about 10-15% more than a standard home.  You need a bit more insulation and better air sealing.  You need better windows.  You need a heat pump rather than a furnace, a heat exchanger, and an above-standard water heater.  And you need PV panels.  (Keep in mind that after this investment, the home will be worth more than a standard home.  It's not like buying a new car, where your first costs are immediately translated into lost value.)

If the subject is monthly cost, we think there is no added premium for a Zero-Energy house if you consider mortgage + utility bills.  Your mortgage will be higher, but your utility bills will be lower.  It is likely you'll come out even, or marginally ahead.  Our friend Gene Myers of New Town homes in Denver markets his "ZEN homes" on this basis:

The Value of Solar PV by Jon Gardzelewski

Each watt of Solar PV you install will add approximately $3 to your home’s value ($4 if you live in California), according to a 2015 report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

And a different study concludes high-performance homes marketed with green features sell for 3-4% more than comparable homes without green features. 

Read the full report here:
"What is Green Worth? Unveiling High-Performance Home Premiums in Washington, D.C." (pdf)